Bet You Donโ€™t Have Time 2 Stay Social

Time 2 Stay Social โ€“ One of the biggest objections to establishing a strong social media marketing presence is time. Many businesses are happy maintaining their status quo. Theyโ€™ve established a foothold in their market and are okay with using their traditional marketing methods to create or maintain brand awareness. These companies have established sufficient staff …

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Outsourcing vs In-House Social Media Management?

โ€“ Social Media Management is an art, one which needs the attention of an โ€œartistโ€ who is always working on his craft. A small to medium sized business owner may not have the time to learn the intricacies of this constantly evolving marketing platform. While many businesses are already on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social …

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Social Media Marketing vs Traditional Marketing

The importance of establishing a brand identity can never be overstated. The perception of your business in the public eye is vital to continued success in any marketplace. In the past, companies could utilize print and broadcasting channels to squeeze messages into ad space and 30 second blocks on radio and television. These channels provided …

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Facebook: How social media public relations works

Thereโ€™s no way around using social media to connect with your target market in todayโ€™s online environment where most of your prospects will have a smartphone, tablet or spend a significant amount of time in front of their laptop or desktop computer. If youโ€™re a company thatโ€™s looking to stay current and viable in todayโ€™s …

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