Are Your Facebook Posts Feed-Worthy?

Keeping your business’ posts on the News Feed of their users is a priority for the people at Facebook. They’ve begun to adjust how posts are shared and what content reaches which users thanks to their Feed Quality Panel – a series of surveys whereby thousands of users are polled daily regarding various content.  This is a little different to the Google algorithm as Facebook is using the quality of posts, and how likely users are to engage and consume the content posted.

The team at Facebook has long offered their advice to people in all industries on what the best practices are for businesses. Taking the time to ensure that your company’s social media manager, whether it’s done in-house or outsourced, is utilizing these practices is the difference between being a favourable source based on Facebook metrics or downgraded by the panel.

While Facebook continues to alter its metrics to find qualitative ways to populate user News Feeds, you have all the metrics you need at your disposal to let you know how your posts are fairing with your audience.  Engagement indicators are literally in front of your eyes as you can see how many comments, likes and shares take place underneath each post. You can even see how many times your post was seen by your Facebook community.

The key for your business is to pay attention to what your audience is telling you about the content you share.  Being active is important on social media platforms like Facebook – really, there’s no other way to engage an audience but to post regularly and when people are most likely to be online.  That being said, your posts also need to be somewhat relevant to current trends and why people would be including your business as part of their online community.

While following best practices will ensure you’re generally received favourably by your audience, tailoring your’e content to what has already received the best responses will serve two purposes.  Your business will receive a high rating once the surveys have been conducted and you’ll already be engaged with the people that mean the most to you. In terms of social growth, reach and impact, your community will already be your biggest advocates thanks to you making your posts “feed-worthy.” 

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