Facebook and Instagram ads: Should you boost that post or create an ad campaign?

Facebook and Instagram ads: Should you boost that post or create an ad campaign?

Advertising your business on Facebook and Instagram can be a great way to get your brand noticed and bring in new opportunities. The question is, should you boost a post or create an advertising campaign? What is the difference between the two options?

We know you want to get the most return on investment (R.O.I.) with your ad, and it can be confusing where to begin. Luckily, we’re breaking it down and defining what each function does and what will work best for you.

Boosting a Facebook and/or Instagram Post

Want to boost a post on Facebook or Instagram? It’s as easy as 1,2,3. There will be a button on your post that says ‘boost’ and all you need to do is click it, enter a few choices for your overall budget and target market and it’s ready to be shared. Seems like an easy task, right?

By footing a small bill, you could have your post appear in more people’s news feeds (as well as show up higher). This all depends on your targeted area, demographic and interests from the form you completed when you set up your boost.

What kinds of posts can you boost? Almost any post on Facebook and Instagram can be boosted. In fact, Facebook and Instagram are intuitive networks, so if a post is performing well, you will be notified and encouraged to boost it.

Should you boost your Facebook or Instagram post? You may want to consider boosting a post on Facebook or Instagram if you want more of your followers (and their friends who don’t already follow you) to see your posts. For example, if your company is holding a sale or a big event and you want to gain more traction to your website, this is where a boosted post may come in handy.

Another reason? If you’re a beginner and just starting to dabble with social media advertising, dip your toes into the boosting pond before diving into the sea of campaigns.

In short, if you expect some more engagement from your current followers, boosting is a fantastic option to raise your social media spirits. Is it the most optimal way to advertise on Facebook and Instagram? Not exactly.

Creating a Facebook or Instagram ad campaign

While boosting a post is easy peasy, creating a Facebook and Instagram ad campaign involves a little bit more work and strategy.

To create an ad campaign on Facebook and Instagram, you’ll want to begin in the Facebook Business Manager.

You’ll want to map out what goals you want to achieve with your campaign.

First thing’s first: who’s your ideal target market? You can determine your ideal client based on age, gender, occupation and interests. The key is to be specific with your target. The more specific you are, the higher your chances are of achieving better results from your ad.

Additionally, you may also want to consider if you require images, videos or other resources for your ad. Gathering and preparing what you’ll need will ensure smooth ad production.

Your budget also plays a huge factor in the success of your Facebook and/or Instagram ad. Allocate an overall and daily budget for your ad and determine how long your ad will run.

Lastly, always keep your relevance score in mind while creating a Facebook or Instagram ad campaign.

Unlike a boost, ad campaigns are not simply a one and done task. Keeping an eye on its performance and optimizing it to its greatest potential will allow for better results.

Should you create a Facebook or Instagram ad campaign? You may want to consider a campaign if you want to broaden your social media reach to new potential customers. Want to strengthen your ad? You can also include call to action buttons, prompting your audience to either visit your website, register for an event and more.

In conclusion

With two really great options in mind, you can get your business noticed with either a simple boost or a comprehensive Facebook and Instagram ad campaign. At Social Know How, we will help you harness the power of Facebook and Instagram advertising, so you can achieve your business objectives sooner.

Call us today at 416.930.6581 or visit our website at www.SocialKnowHow.com.

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