Maximize Facebook Ad Sales

It is a matter of fact that advertising is a necessary sales tool for business. In the digital era, advertising too has had to adapt to new technology and new outlets including social media.

To maximize on those Facebook ad sales here are several tactics to employ: 


If you’ve already had visitors to your product page online, they are the best people to market to.  Having already visited your company’s website, they have already taken an interest in your brand so why not retarget them in your marketing efforts.

Doing so requires the installation of a Facebook Pixel on your website.  This will enable you to compile data based on the visitors to your site which can then be used to target them via the Custom Audience option available through Facebook.  Utilizing this tool ads can be delivered to people who have previously visited your site and would be more likely to click-through and convert. This can be further drilled down to specifically target those who have viewed products but haven’t purchased.

In terms of timing for these ads that are retargeting your audience or re-marketing; beginning of the month usually works best.  Running an ad at this time typically coincides with pay periods and a higher likelihood of spending.

Make them an Offer

Everyone loves a saving which is demonstrated through 2017 statistics stating that 92% of consumers made use of a coupon.  Offering up a discount is a great way to target new customers and convert those who shown interest in your brand.

Advertising current or upcoming sales or offering introductory discounts through a Facebook Offer Ad, is a great way to turn visitors into buying customers. This is a particularly effective sales technique in that it allows users to redeem their coupon without having to leave Facebook. Furthermore, these Offer Ads are influential in that they show how many others have redeemed the online offer therefore further sales potential.

Be Animated

Animate your ads by leveraging the power of video content.  Videos continue to engage people, in fact, every single day millions of hours of video content are watched by Facebook users.  The added benefit is that video ads automatically run as soon as they are scrolled over.

Video content is so engaging that Facebook actually prioritizes it in people’s feed.  This combination of visibility and engagement tends to lead to click throughs and conversions.

One final added benefit, the fact that video views can be retargeted for 365 days, while website clicks only carry for 180 days.

Make Use of Split Testing

Split testing allows advertisers to identify ad elements that are performing well so that necessary spending adjustments can be made.

As a general rule-of-thumb, businesses should create multiple ads and test variations on elements such as imagery, messaging and calls-to-action to evaluate their performance.  For example, if an ad is not performing well the company might try creating another ad using a different image or different copy and then re-evaluate its effectiveness.  It is also possible to target the same ad to different regions to determine if it resonates differently depending on the audience.

It is important to conduct this type of split testing rather than begin a brand-new ad campaign in order to conduct an appropriate analysis that will assist with minimizing wasted resources and the development of successful advertisements.

Understanding and implementing the aforementioned tactics can lead to the creation of compelling Facebook ads that will drive increased traffic and sales for your business.

To learn more about the potential of Facebook advertising or to implement a social media marketing strategy of your own, feel free to contact our team of experts at Social Know How.

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