4 Steps of Networking on LinkedIn

“Succeeding in business is all about making connections” great words from a leading businessman, Sir Richard Branson.   The best way to make those connections is by networking online through LinkedIn!

LinkedIn is mainly used for professional networking.  The average CEO is connected to 930 people on linked, with most others connected to 110.  The more quality connections made on your LinkedIn network, the more opportunities you will have to find the right contacts to drive your business forward. LinkedIn is one of the top online networking tools that allows companies and brands to connect with influencers and potential customers.

Just as you would take the time to ensure that your presentation is polished in a traditional networking environment, the same applies online.  Ensure that your LinkedIn profile is professional and current to attract new connections.  Your message on this platform should be consistent with all of your company’s branding.

To grow your business and generate leads through LinkedIn consider these 4 steps:

Start with a Plan

Specifically start with an advertising plan and set some money aside in your budget for paid advertising on LinkedIn.   The features available go further than the InMail communication tool and will help generate leads faster.

Keep in Touch

Just as you would with traditional networking, when you make a connection, keep in touch.  Once you have established a number of connections be sure to nurture and grow them.  Keep them up-to-date on your company or brand with new information or initiatives, upcoming events, etc.  Businesses can use the InMail communication tool to reach out to their connections with a non-sales approach providing information or advice.

Be Engaged

Stay active and join professional groups to grow your network.  Members of professional groups will share relevant industry information to help and learn from one other.  These groups are also a great place to help solve any business issues; and are meant to nurture relationship-building procedures.   They are not a forum for self-promotion.

Be Routine

Make it a part of your daily ritual to post something to LinkedIn.  It does not have to be brand new original content every day.  You can repurpose something you have already written or share current event news related to your industry.  A catchy headline will encourage comments and feedback.

With 225 million people from over 200 countries engaged on LinkedIn, it is a powerful marketing and sales platform which you should be utilizing for your company or brand. If using this social networking platform as a marketing tool is on your business agenda let our team of social media marketing experts help with developing your strategy.  Contact Social Know How to learn more.

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