6 Reasons to use LinkedIn for Marketing

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6 Reasons to use LinkedIn for Marketing 

More than 30 million companies use Linkedin for business. Linkedin is not just about recruiting and hiring top talent anymore. With more than 740 million members, more and more brands are using LinkedIn marketing to network, connect, and sell.

There are LinkedIn marketing tools available for every business size and type, from small to large and B2B to B2C. 

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We have compiled 6 reasons why you should use Linkedin for marketing. 

Let’s Start!


1. LinkedIn helps create awareness and improve reputation.

LinkedIn is an ideal platform to increase your online presence. Businesses have the opportunity to network with an increasing number of interesting contacts. Using the different personal and group features in LinkedIn, companies and the people representing them can all improve their visibility and credibility, both as individuals and (thus) as a brand.

Don’t forget! Just like any other social network, you are able to create content that educates and brings awareness to your brand. 

2. LinkedIn Helps You Shine: Leadership, Influencer, Expert

Several LinkedIn features allow you to position yourself as an expert in a particular field. Things to focus on are:

  • Providing high-quality content
  • Improving your personal profile 
  • Participating in Linkedin communities by using your expertise to answer questions. 

3. LinkedIn for selling and generating leads.

LinkedIn is probably the best network to generate leads. On top of traditional techniques such as making interesting content potential customers can download or driving traffic to relevant sources, LinkedIn offers very personal ways of identifying potential leads, then engaging them and finally turning them into customers. This is done by a good combination of listening, analyzing, participating, sharing, networking and responding. Networking with potential clients and marketing to them indirectly through LinkedIn will increase the opportunity to make sales.

4. LinkedIn for: Social Customer Relationship Management (CRM).

LinkedIn is ideal in a social CRM context. Contact relationship management (CRM) for LinkedIn integration turbocharges your processes by pulling data like job titles automatically and allowing you to communicate directly with leads through tools like LinkedIn Sales Navigator.

5. LinkedIn for: Traffic building.

One of the strengths of LinkedIn is its power in link building and traffic driving. Just as other social networks do, LinkedIn has a social sharing button that allows you to share content in your status updates (which are visible on the homepage) and in LinkedIn Groups (communities). This works especially well for business-related content and can lead to viral effects. Business content often gets shared more often via LinkedIn than via Facebook.

6. LinkedIn for : Gaining insights.

Last but certainly not least: LinkedIn is perfect to listen, ask questions and gain insights. Which is the case for all social media marketing!

Now, with this information in hand, you can start working on your LinkedIn profile. Let’s start with these two steps:

Step 1. Optimize your profile 

Tailor your page so the content is optimized for searches. Remember to keep it SEO friendly.  Are you a realtor? Then keywords like “real estate agent” or “real estate representative” are important to consider. Also keep in mind targeting your area, for example “Real Estate Agent in Toronto” will generate more targeted results. 

Step 2: Make sure to engage

Just like you encourage people to follow you on other social media platforms, encourage individuals you’re connected to follow you on LinkedIn.  

Remember to post relevant and thoughtful posts. Publish content that demonstrates your knowledge and expertise. 

Try to keep these three goals in mind when creating content.   

  1. Share knowledge
  2. Spread awareness
  3. Build authority

What is important is that you understand what you want your content to do for you. 

Posts that are about mindset/life/personal development tend to achieve a lot more engagement. 

Tactical content that’s related to strategy and trends, tends to achieve fewer social media marketing shares, however such content can demonstrate skill and ability. 

The above are just a few points to get you started on LinkedIn. 

If you’d like to learn how LinkedIn can work at generating B2B sales, contact us. 

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