Social Media Management: 5 Benefits of Outsourcing It


Today Social Media Management for big companies is super common. Companies are interacting with their consumers on social media. Customers are expressing their praise, complaints, and everything in between for a brand on Social media. 

In this post, we will cover how big companies are using social media for their business strategy. 

Table of Contents
  • How Big Companies Use Social Media 
  • Key Goals for Big Companies on Social Media 
  • Big Businesses learning from Small Businesses Social Media Strategies
  • What is Social Media Management?
  • 5 Benefits for Outsourcing your Social Media Management
How Big Companies Use Social Media

Social media at the enterprise-level businesses operate several social channels in different regions and languages. Some organizations may run separate accounts for support, marketing, divisions, and even recruitment. 

A large organization like Netflix may involve large teams, multiple agencies, legal oversight, and enterprise-scale management. 

Consistent brand voice and messaging across every platform is important therefore companies rely on social media style guides, social media guides, and social media policies. 

Key Goals for Big Companies on Social Media 
Increase Brand Awareness

A big Business to Consumer (B2C) company for example may already benefit from brand name recognition, but social media provides an increase in awareness for specific messages, campaigns, product launches, and other initiatives.

The above is an example of an initiative by a large organization. 

For business-to-business (B2B) companies, social media can provide a way to boost brand visibility and advertise solutions to potential partners

Connect With Specific Audiences 

Large global organizations reach specific market segments on social media through various platforms and accounts. 

The reality is different platforms have different demographics. For example, Gen Z opt for video-centred and gamified platforms like Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, and TikTok. 

To reach the younger crowd, several big brands hopped on TikTok. 

Segmentation happens within platforms as well. For different regions, enterprises may run separate accounts. If you were to look up Netflix, you will see Twitter handles are specific to each region. 

Ad targeting is also another strategy major brands use to reach the right audience. 

Gauge Customer Sentiment 

Customer sentiment can help with everything from product development, messaging, and even corporate values.

Large Corporations direct consumer feedback through polls and surveys. Social media listening allows brands to be present when it counts. Consumers or followers don’t always tag brands when they talk about them, which is the reason for big brands to track keywords in addition to mentions. 

Provide Customer Support 

Consumers look for support on the channels they often use. A Harvard Business Review Survey found that simply responding to people on social media can have a positive effect. The study also found that those who received any type of response from a brand were more likely to spend more with the company in the future.

Boost Traffic and Sales 

Social channels are a top source of traffic and sales for large companies. Social platforms continue to add features to make shopping easier by providing things like social storefronts and livestreams.

Social is also a channel where large companies reward customers with sneak peeks, exclusive deals, promo codes, and early access. 

Share Corporate Communications

Social media has become a primary channel for big companies to broadcast comms and PR messages. These messages can be product recalls, tech glitches, responses on social issues, or hiring announcements.

Build Brand Communities 

Studies have shown that participation in communities can increase brand loyalty. Building trust and consumer confidence is hard to do on your own, therefore many brands turn to influencer marketing to help build trust. 

Big Businesses learning from Small Businesses Social Media Strategies

People are quicker to support small businesses, particularly now as we are still dealing with the pandemic. Most small businesses operate under the time-honoured customer service traditions that often big enterprises forget. 

Here are a few things to keep in mind: 

  • Build customer relationships  – it’s helpful to know if a customer is a loyalty program member, or if they have contacted you for the same issue. 
  • Humanize your Brand – People want to see the faces behind the brand. A recent study found that something small like signing a message with a customer service agent’s initials improves perception. 
  • Lead with Values – Consumers are looking to align their purchase decisions with their values. 
  • Give back to the community – Almost half of the global companies assessed in the 2020 Corporate Human Rights Benchmark fail to uphold the United Nations human rights standards. Large brands should share how they invest in the consumer’s community or in the communities they operate in. 
5 Benefits of Outsourcing Your Social Media Management 

Outsourcing your social media management will benefit your business in more ways than you can think of.  

What does outsourcing Social Media Management Involve?

Outsourcing your media management means handing over your social media accounts to a third-party social media management company that will spend time researching your industry and posting relevant content that speaks to your audience. 

Below are 5 reasons for outsourcing your social media management in 2022. 
1. Expert Assistance 

Social media is far more than posting a funny meme. An expert can help with how to target campaigns to maximize success and generate business leads. Imagine having a team to research social media trends and improve how your organization stays on top of them. 

2. Beat your Competitors 

Working with a reputable social media management company gives you an edge if you want to stay ahead of your competition. A social media management company will be able to update your social media streams daily, so your company will never miss out an opportunity to be in front of a potential customer. 

3. Research into competitors and Industry Trends 

A social media management company researches your competitors’ digital marketing strategies, in-depth competitor analysis will be carried out in order to maximize your chances of engagement success. 

4. Save Money 

Having a social media department for your organization can be quite expensive. Outsourcing your management makes the company accountable for your success and removes the risks which would be associated with hiring new employees. 

5. Getting the Right Marketing Mix 

When it comes to social media, you should find a careful mix of sales based tweets or posts and those that offer value to your audience. Blog articles, statistics, images and videos are all equally important as your sales messages, so outsourcing your social media to a social media management company that can balance your sales messages with fun, engaging content is one of the best ways to avoid a timeline full of “buy now” posts.

Final Thoughts 

Relying on a professional company to market your products and services is one of the best ways to take your business to the next level. Although it’s possible to manage your own social media as well as your business, the chances are that it will end up costing you more money and time – this is why outsourcing makes sense. 

Social Know How is the perfect solution for all your social media needs. We will help you strategize, create, manage and execute your entire social media journey as if we were in house right next to you. Contact us today to find out how we can help you. 

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