Facebook Ads: Here’s What You Should Be Asking

Social media has brought about an evolution in marketing providing businesses and brands with greater opportunities to target their audiences online. One such advancement is the ability to advertise on Facebook which presents huge market potential.  There are 1.23 billion people logging onto Facebook everyday with 1.15 billion of them being mobile users. That’s a staggering number of eyes potentially casting their gaze on your content.

With numbers like that it’s easy to see why Facebook ads offer significant marketing opportunities. However, to truly maximize on this potential it is important to understand the ad process and determine the best approach to generate the best results. Here’s what you should be asking before kicking off an ad campaign:

  1. Who are you going after?

Developing the message is the first step but who will you be delivering it to? Who is your target audience and what are the demographics? Always ask yourself that question when planning your ad campaign in order to focus on that target audience to be able to convert those users into customers or clients.

2. What is the call to action?

Before creating your ad you should also consider the call to action.  What goal are you trying to achieve through your ad campaign? Is it driving people to your website; signing up for your newsletter?  The goal for the ad should be determined at the outset in order to create relevant copy and visuals that will appeal to your target market and have them complete that call to action. This is also useful in establishing and tracking metrics.

3. Why should they buy?

This is the driving question behind a marketing strategy overall (online or otherwise). What will motivate and benefit your target audience to buy your product or service?  The answer to this question should be clearly outlined in your ad.  The copy should highlight what makes your company or brand unique to entice people to click through on the ad.

4. What is the urgency?

You only have a brief 15 second window to motivate a click through.  This means creating a sense of urgency for someone to act on your ad rather than move on from it.  By offering something like a timely offer, a sale or a contest you can prompt further action.

5. What is the value of the ad lead?

Creating a relevant ad is important as well as setting a budget for it. Before placing your Facebook ad determine what the value of the leads generated will be for you. This will help to determine how long you should run your ad and ensure that you aren’t spending more than you are making. Gauge the ad campaign after a 48 hour period to track if you are spending more than you should per click.  This tracking will help in evaluating the effectiveness of the ad.

These are important questions you should be asking yourself when utilizing Facebook ads, in doing so you will be setting your company or brand up for success by maximizing on the potential of this social media platform.

For assistance with incorporating Facebook ads into your social media marketing strategy contact the experts at Social Know How.

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