Blogs & Social Media = Peanut Butter & Jelly

With all due respect to anyone out there with a nut allergy, I couldn’t think of a better analogy for how blogs & social media can work together in a digital marketing plan. Just as peanut butter & jelly (my favourite flavour was always grape), go hand-in-hand to make a comforting snack that’s timeless, utilizing blogs and social media to enhance one another can leave you feeling like you’ve found the right digital marketing recipe for connecting with your audience.

Why do blogs exist?

Blogs can help you establish a voice in your industry and quickly establish you as a thought leader in your field.  While many of the best industry blogs follow a distinct formula that involves creating topics by investigating client and prospect FAQ’s, some of the best bloggers delve deeper by adding content that their clients may also find entertaining. For example, if you were a green technology company, you would definitely want to use a majority of your blogs to highlight innovation in your industry and how it positively affects the planet we live on. To keep your blog refreshing, branch out from just what you produce and showcase who uses it.  Have a Top 5 list of celebrities who promote green energy. Maybe even highlight beautiful interior design using green technology? Regardless, dig deeper into the content needs of your potential clients and give them a little more than just hard data. Also, by using keywords in your industry, you’ll also give your Google search ranking a boost with each post.

Why is Social Media Important?

Social Media has become the go-to platform for businesses to create meaningful relationships with current and potential customers.  With the endless stream on information you could share pertaining to your business and industry, much like a blog, having a strong presence can make your Facebook or Twitter Page the place people search for in times of need.  While a blog is a one-way exchange, social media allows for a conversation to take place.  This can lead to greater customer service practices and immediate feedback on promotions and posts. Again, I’ll use a green energy company as an example.  The look of your innovative products can be shared in an instant with a great photo, utilizing one of the most sought after pieces of content on social media.  People love photos and, if people can visually see how something may look, they can make an immediate decision on seeking more information on how to make what’s in the photo a part of their daily lives.

The peanut butter & jelly part

Blogs and social media are just like peanut butter & jelly. Separate, they are still effective. Blended together properly, and you have yourself an effective marketing strategy that will captivate audiences as long as you are in business. For starters, they can be each used to promote the other, with your social media Pages being the perfect place to introduce your latest blog to your audience. Then, by gauging the feedback you receive through likes, comments & shares, you can then begin to tailor your blog content to mirror your most successful and engaging posts on social media. 

For all of the talk of exposure and ranking with digital marketing, you can truly do wonders for each with a successful combination of a strong blog and social media presence.  Just like you felt when you were a kid, and your friend’s mom made you a delectable PB & J, you can bring that same level of warmth, welcome & care to the content you share with the online community. If you want to attract an audience, go with what’s timeless – find out what people’s tastes are and keep feeding their appetite.

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