4 Tips to Get Your Facebook Posts Seen

Tips on handling dropping organic Facebook reach

Facebook’s constant commitment to its users has been to connect people to the stories and the content they want to see. The intuitive nature on how Facebook determines what we see on our newsfeeds is as such: Family, friends, and news organizations. Content from brands doesn’t necessarily make it that far up the totem pole, however, that doesn’t mean that your brand’s Facebook posts aren’t being seen.

With the noticeable drop in Facebook’s organic reach, one might be thinking, “How can I ensure that my content is being seen?

”Here are 4 ways to do so.

1. Be Selective (pick QUALITY over quantity)

We’ve seen a shift in the digital space over the years. While making your online presence known, it was once recommended that frequently posting on social media will boost your chances of being seen by your target market and getting more engagements. In 2019, that’s not exactly the case anymore. Being strategic is key – by being more selective of what content is posted as well as what messaging is associated with your visual. Instead of posting multiple times a day, we suggest that you limit your posts to only once a day, or once every other day. As long as the content you are posting is of quality and you target audience can take away something from it, your messaging has been conveyed and therefore you have done your job as a marketer.

2. Sharing is Caring 

Sharing content from your brand certainly allows your personal Facebook friends to see what your interests are, and therefore increases the number of impressions and reach on your company content. We suggest sharing frequently onto your personal accounts to generate a wider interest on your product or service among those who already follow you, but not necessarily your page.

3. Direct People Right to your Page

This tactic is two-fold because it not only allows people to go and see all of your brand’s content in one spot (higher reach and increases chance of engagement), it also inclines people to start following and liking your page as well (yay for community growth)! If you do have followers already seeing your content, you can always send a subtle reminder to go to the Pages Feed (located on the left-hand sidebar of their News Feed) to see content from all of their liked Pages. What’s more is that you can also direct and encourage your followers to turn on their notifications in their page settings. 

4. Video Is King

Captivating content gets the lion’s share of engagements, including impressions and reach. We’re going to sound like a broken record here, but I think you know where I’m going with this…. Video content is the most interesting, as it’s naturally engaging and interactive.  Whether it’s sharing a proactive video or one through Facebook Live, always remind your audience to simply “Leave a like or press share.” By widely sharing videos, you will noticeably see the difference of reach on those types of content compared to an article or image. 

While there are a few ways to keep abreast of the constant changes of Facebook and their algorithms, you should always remember how content is categorized to make it on your News Feed.  The four main types to always keep in mind are: Who posted, what are the engagements like (more engagements mean more likeliness to be discovered), type of content (was it an image, article, video, etc.), and timing. As organic reach hits it’s all time low, being strategic and educated on how to navigate Facebook will guarantee that your brand’s content is seen by the masses. 

Social Know How will help you manage and optimize content to reach your target audience through Facebook. Contact us today to get started.  

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