Optimizing your Facebook Business Page

Facebook pages have evolved from simple mediums for social sharing to powerful business tools.  A business page on Facebook allows companies to connect and share with their target audiences.

If you currently have a business page that you looking to grow or are in the process of setting one up here are a few things to keep in mind in order to optimize that page.

The Name Says it All

Real estate is all about location but when it comes to social media success it’s what’s in a name that’s important. Both existing and potential customers need to be able to easily find you so ensure that you choose a search-friendly name for your page.

For brand consistency your page name should be the same as your company name so that it is easily recognizable.  Try to avoid deviating from your brand and do not over complicate the page by including every keyword or phrase related to your business.  This will only result in your page being indicated as spam.

Customize your Page URL

When you hit 25 Likes on your Page Facebook gives you the opportunity to create a vanity or custom URL which increases your discoverability.  The only catch is that this custom URL can only be set once making the right selection extremely important.You are able to search the availability of the URL at http://www.facebook.com/username.

If the username is available the next step is to change your business page name which can easily be done by selecting the “About” button on the left of the screen; clicking on “Page Info” and then selecting “Edit”.  Type in the page name and save.

Next, complete the “About” section on your page as it will enable customers to easily access your company information.  Things to include in the “About” section are the web domain, company address and phone number, business hours and other social media handles on which you can be contacted. You may also wish to include customer service information in this section such as estimated response time to inquiries.

Every Picture Tells a Story

Make a great first impression with customers with a dynamic cover and profile photo. The images you select should be in line with your company branding.

The profile image is extremely important because it accompanies the business name when search results are displayed.  The profile picture should either be your company logo or an image with a logo overlay.

Your cover on the other hand is the most prominent image on the page so it too should be relevant to your company or brand. If the profile image is the logo the cover photo can be something related to the business, for example a restaurant may wish to have the header image be an interior shot of their establishment or a photo of a signature dish.

Whatever your image selections are ensure that they make a great first impression.

Boost with Backlinks

Climb the ranks when it comes to discoverability with backlinks.  By linking back to your business page wherever appropriate (in blog posts, on your website etc.) you are boosting your search engine rankings.  Whenever possible also ask other companies and bloggers to link back to your business page as well.

Actions speak louder than Words

Three years ago Facebook introduced call-to-action to business pages which includes options like “book now”, “contact us” and “shop now”.  These were implemented with the business goals of companies and brands in mind, giving visiting customers to the opportunity to act on something when visiting the page.

This feature is something any company or brand can easily incorporate onto their page by following a step-by-step guide on Facebook.

Gain insight

Page insights were also implemented for a reason, to provide information on the overall performance of a page.  Facebook Insights has established the metrics that companies are looking for.  Through this business tool data can be gathered on how people are interacting with a page and the content being shared.

Through Facebook Page Insights companies or brands can decipher reach and learn how people are reacting to content through comments and reactions.  The data collected via Insights is broken down by demographics like age, gender, country, city, and device.  This allows businesses the opportunity to tailor their content.

Custom Tabs

Customization is also available through the tabs on a Page.

Every Facebook Page contains standard tabs such as “About” and “Photos”. To create an enhanced user experience companies can add custom tabs such as email capture and contact forms and e-commerce apps. A search of Facebook tab apps will list a number of different apps that will for customization of tabs in order to do things like run contests and campaigns or to share special offers. 

If you aren’t using your Facebook Page as the powerful business tool that it is then now is the time to start and we at Social Know How can help. Social Know How works with your company to create a social media strategy that will enhance your brand. Give us a call to learn more.

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