Self-Promotion on Social Media: It’s Okay to Toot Your Own Horn

Self Promotion on Social Media:

It’s Okay to Toot Your Own Horn

The old expression about not tooting your own horn seems to be going by the wayside since the advent of social media. While it once may have been considered cache to “toot your own horn” the premise of this new media is social sharing and that sharing should also include promoting your business and highlighting business achievements.

Simply starting a business will not make it successful; it requires the efforts, talents and skills of an individual(s).  If there is no promotion of the business or the people behind it then how can it be expected to move forward?  It is important to for a company or brand to share with their community what they are about, what they do, and what they have to offer.  This sharing has now easily been facilitated by social media.

Prior to social media, or even the internet for that matter, very few opportunities existed where a business could highlight their achievements.   Accomplishments could only be seen at a physical gathering such as an awards ceremony where companies and individuals could be publicly recognized. With social media, this is no longer the case.   Business and brands can now showcase their expertise and their accomplishments offering consumers information upon which to base their choices.  A company actively promoting their business on social media has an advantage over competitor. 

Promote Yourself

Prior to the dawn of this new technological era, entrepreneurs did not have the social connections now available to them in the palm of their hands. Mobile devices and social media now provide the world at your fingertips allowing for information sharing via pictures and videos; something that might have previously been considered an obscure idea has now become the norm.  A spot light is now being shone on entrepreneurs and it can be a positive one if managed effectively.

Self-promotion on social media should not be regarded as boasting or bragging but rather as information sharing; even offering a service if you will. By not reaching out to your target market or audience and shining a spotlight on your business and what it has to offer you are not offering any value.   People need to know not only what you do, but how well you do it for them to understand how they stand to benefit from your business.

Not knowing is the disservice as you are not offering any opportunities.  Therefore, highlighting your business and your expertise and showcasing your accomplishments should become part of an overall social media marketing strategy; after all, if you don’t share this information (on social media or otherwise) how will they ever know?

It is ok to toot your own horn so long as it offers value.

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