Top 5 Social Media Trends of 2021

As we emerge from the insanity that was 2020, it is time to look towards what 2021 will bring in terms of social media trends. Last year, we all spent more time than usual on social media and our devices. Whether it was to simply catch up with friends and family, get the latest news, or do some research on your next purchase, social media platforms connected us with the rest of the world. As the popularity surge for social continues into this new year, some trends are on the rise. Here’s what marketers should look out for in 2021.

Social Commerce Expands

As retail stores and shopping malls closed due to the pandemic, shopping online hit all-time highs. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram have been used to sell products for years, but the surge in 2020 will continue well into 2021. Brands that have struggled to get their e-commerce store off the ground have found success in social platforms as users don’t even have to leave the app or website they are spending their time on to make a purchase.

Inclusivity Importance 

Social movements gained more ground in 2020, and people are now looking to their favourite brands to promote inclusivity and transparency. More than ever, consumers want to purchase from brands that share their values, making it vital for brands to be authentic to connect with their audience. It is difficult for people to follow brands they find inauthentic or insincere. Trust needs to be built, and brands need to begin putting themselves behind positive moments.

Going Live in 2021

People are growing more accustomed to interacting with brands in real-time, and in 2021 the trend will continue to rise. When people think live streams, they often think of gaming, but there are many opportunities for brands to take what they offer and produce live content on social media. Besides selling or promoting products, companies have also been carrying out customer service activities via live video – setting up customer accounts, troubleshooting issues, and more.

Snackable Content

Attention spans are not what they used to be, and as technology advances, people are becoming more impatient, creating a unique opportunity for marketers. Brands need to start putting more of an emphasis on short-scale “snackable” content like Instagram stories and reels, to offer bite-sized content that can be consumed quickly. 

User-Generated Content (UGC)

UGC will continue to be an essential part of any brand’s social media presence in 2021. The consumer experience is crucial, and just as people look to brands that share their values, shoppers trust other shoppers’ words. UGC connects users, it is relatable, and as stay-at-home requirements continue, it is a simple way for brands to generate impactful content.

Is your company looking for assistance with social media in 2021? SOCIAL KNOW HOW® is here to help with your digital transformation.

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