Social Media Marketing vs Traditional Marketing

The importance of establishing a brand identity can never be overstated. The perception of your business in the public eye is vital to continued success in any marketplace. In the past, companies could utilize print and broadcasting channels to squeeze messages into ad space and 30 second blocks on radio and television. These channels provided the opportunity to utilize the power of content popularity to get a message across to viewers, readers and listeners as they engaged in their favourite programme or magazine article. The conversation was always initiated by the brand.

That one-way conversation is slowly being phased out with the increasingly popularity of social media marketing. By establishing a presence on sites like Facebook and Twitter, you’re now creating the opportunity not only to market yourself as an industry leader online, you’re giving your target audience and valued consumers direct access to you to initiate the conversation. More than ever, that direct line can help convert and retain clients through increased interaction. It’s like evolving from being a great speaker to becoming a better communicator overall by adding the listening component.

Traditional media allowed businesses to reach their target audience through placement. That form of marketing was always an inexact science whereas taking advantage of the power of targeted ads on Facebook, for example, will allow you to specify who receives any particular marketing message. Social Media offers a direct target and can lead to more interactions. You’ll speak directly to the exact people you know will most likely connect with your message. Quality is always better than quantity. Having both is better.

Becoming a trusted industry leader is achievable faster than ever before thanks to the world of social media and social media marketing. Traditional ad spends offered little in terms of risk liability. Capital investment was hit-or-miss and a traditional campaign that doesn’t connect could prove costly in all aspects of your business. With social media, costs are kept to a relative minimum and if certain messages are not getting across, you can always switch course based on the feedback and conversions and set a new initiative with your target audience.

The power to engage is in your hands. Sticking to traditional methods can surely keep you in the stream of communicating to potential customers. Increasing online entry points and taking advantage of quality interactions will help personalize your business to the public like never before. It’s cost-effective and will not only help you establish your brand identity through speaking. Any good marketer can tell you how their product works, social media marketing can do the same while adding the listening component to your communication.

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